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Greenpeace, Al Gore, y demás profetas del calentamiento global imparable, se sienten fatal...

A finales de marzo del 2010, la capa de hielo en el Ártico está igual de extensa que en el 2001, y dentro de la normalidad.

Artículos e informes alojados en Ibérica 2000, que hay que analizar, debatir y compartir sin acaloramientos:
* La temperatura en España no ha subido en 70 años... (Enlaces...)
* Un informe recomienda reformar el grupo del clima de la ONU
* Últimas noticias sobre el fraude climático...
* La mayor estafa en la historia
* Ya empezó el enfriamiento global... (Entrevista a José Antonio Maldonado
(meteorólogo español no catastrofista...)

* Más de 400 cientificos, en desacuerdo a causa del Calentamiento Global Antropogénico.
* La gran mentira del calentamiento global
* La otra cara, del presunto Calentamiento Global

Artículo publicado en el Daily Mail de Reino Unido :

03rd April 2010
Returning ice - after years of declining cover - has astonished climate scientists who blamed unusually cold weather over the Bering Sea.

Researchers said they recorded the most ice in March since 2001 - and that the cover is approaching long-term average levels for the first time in ten years.

(imagen omitida)

The returning ice has been blamed on unusually cold weather over the Bering Sea (pictured)

The scientists who released the data stressed that last month´s rise was part of yearly variations in ice cover and could not be taken as a sign that global warming is coming to an end.

But sceptics argued that the findings undermined ´´alarmist´´ claims that the North Pole could be free of summer ice by 2013.

The unusual trend last month is revealed in figures published by the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Centre in Colorado.

In a typical year, Arctic ice cover peaks in mid-March and starts to fall as milder weather arrives.

But this year, levels continued to grow in the second half of March. Dr Mark Serreze, of the NSlDC, said parts of the Arctic were going through an unusually cold spring - but that other areas were warmer than normal.

He added: ´´What this doesn´t show is any indication that global warming is over. If you look at the Arctic as a whole we might get to average amounts of sea ice for the time of year. But the ice is thin and quite vulnerable and it can melt very quickly.´´

The best measure of the health of the Arctic was not only the amount of cover, but also the thickness of ice, he said.

But Dr David Whitehouse, of the Global Warming Policy Foundation think-tank, said: ´´The recent observations make the 2007 projections that the region would be ice free by 2013 look very unrealistic.´´

* Original article
* More information on the global warming fraud in Iberica 2000... (http://www.iberica2000.org/Es/Directorio.asp?Id=17)

>> Autor: Alfonso143 (06/04/2010)
>> Fuente: Recopilation for Ibérica 2000.

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(C)2001. Centro de Investigaciones y Promoción de Iniciativas para Conocer y Proteger la Naturaleza.
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