iberica  2000.org 

Birds and Windfarms - New anti-windfarm committee in Italy.


Negative effects on landscape, tourism, birdlife, for negligible benefits in terms of climate change.

TRADUCCION A CASTELLANO: www.google.com pinchar "herramientas del idioma" y seguir las instrucciones.

I would like to inform you that there is in Italy a new NGO whose name is "Comitato Nazionale del Paesaggio" (National Landscape Committee) that is fighting against destruction of landscape and first of all against Wind Turbines.

Italian mountains and sea coasts are threatened by plans to build hundreds of huge wind farms and large service roads.

Wind farms, as everyone can easily see where they are already a reality ,destroy completely the landscape and the natural environment. They cause also damages to local economy because tourists avoid the areas where wind farms are located.

They are noisy, dangerous and their action is negligible in reducing fossil fuel consumption and therefore in fighting against pollution and climate change.

Finally wind farms are responsible for destruction of birds of prey, soaring birds in general and migrant birds. In California, in Spain and in Italy important populations of birds of prey like golden eagle, griffon vulture (Spain), red kite (Italy) have been severely damaged in large areas because of impact with turbines.

We think that real environmentalists who really care for nature and wildlife should unite their efforts against spreading of wind farms in natural areas of Europe, but also in other parts of the world, where they are becoming a major threat to nature and landscape.

Public opinion is poorly informed about this dangerous problem, people think that wind farms are ecologically friendly and useful tools against climate change and air pollution.

Sincerely yours

Dr. Stefano Allavena


more information on this webpage: click

Birds and Windfarms - Wind turbines and birds in Flanders (Belgium) - Preliminary results 2000/01
The Naked Truth about Windfarms, Wind Energy, and CO2 Emissions.
Windfarms and CO2 Savings - Debunking the Global Warming scare.
More wind turbines cause chaos
The Wind Monster.

Related información on Internet: click
* www.oism.org/pproject
(19.000 scientists speak-up against the theory of anthropogenic global warming)

* www.co2science.org
(web page on CO2)

* www.ecotrop.org
(web page on Kyoto)

* www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n0304/05climate
(Harvard scientists speak-up against the theory of anthropogenic global warming)

* www.sepp.org
(Declaration of Leipzig against the theory of anthropogenic global warming)

Insertado por: Mark Duchamp (21/10/2003)
Fuente/Autor: Dr. Stefano Allavenainfo@cnp-online.it