Tendidos electricos de alto voltaje y leuzemia (cancer de la sangre)
Desde Escocia...
En el artículo adjunto se habla del Informe Draper, financiado con fondos públicos, publicado en el Diario Inglés de Medicina, y presentado al Parlamento de Escocia por grupos que se oponen a una línea de alta tensión. En el se estima que existe un riesgo para niños cuya casa cuando nacieron era vecina de líneas de alto voltaje.
El riesgo es casi el doble si viven cerca de una línea a menos de 200 metros, comparando con dentro de 600 metros.
Aquí está el texto en Inglés:
The Scottish Parliament has noted the findings of the publicly-funded Draper Report into the claimed link between high voltage power lines and levels of childhood leukaemia, published in the British Medical Journal last June.
It concluded there "is an association between childhood leukaemia and proximity of home address at birth to high voltage power lines, and the apparent risk extends to a greater distance than had been expected".
The report found that children living within 200 metres of high voltage power lines were almost twice as likely to have childhood leukaemia as those who lived within 600m of a line... (Enlace...)
IAIN RAMAGE 09:00 - 28 February 2006
A Government agency created to protect the environment will today brief ministers on its concerns about the proposed pylon line upgrade between Beauly and Denny.
Amid pressure on the Scottish Executive to hold a public inquiry to appease at least 19,000 objectors, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has waited until the final day open to it, to submit its thoughts on the plans to almost double the size of many pylons along the 137-mile route.
A spokesman for SNH said: "We wouldn´t want to say much in advance of sending that response in, other than to confirm that we do have some outstanding concerns."
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency is also due to respond today.
Stirling Council, one of three local authorities on the route, is this week expected to trigger a public inquiry into the whole affair.
Legislation governing the electricity industry requires just one council along the route to object to Scottish and Southern Energy´s (SSE) planning application.
A unanimous decision of Stirling´s environment committee is thought likely to be ratified by a full council meeting on Thursday. Highland and Perth & Kinross councils are still deliberating.
Sandy Park, Highland planning chairman, said: "Obviously, I get quite a bit of correspondence on it and it´s very difficult to say much until we have the site visits next month".
"We have to give everybody a fair chance to come along and point things out and I think our council are doing more than most councils in terms of trying to be fair and transparent in the decision they come to."
SSE chiefs argue that there will be 200 fewer pylons than the current 800 and that burying cables would cost at least £3.6billion, compared with £320million for going overland.
Green MSP Mark Ruskell last week told colleagues in a Scottish Parliamentary debate on the issue that it was vital that replacement pylons were kept well away from homes and businesses "to protect people from the known risks of electromagnetic radiation."
He recently established a cross-party group to investigate the health effects of pylons and other sources of radiation.
Although the Greens want solar panels on all new buildings and incentives for householders and businesses to generate their own power, they say Scotland also needs to tap into Scotland´s vast wind and wave energy potential. Mr Ruskell said: "We need this pylon upgrade, but we need to make sure that the public health risks are minimised.
"Regardless of whether a public inquiry goes ahead, a solution must be found that allows renewables to be delivered while addressing emerging health concerns."
The Scottish Parliament has noted the findings of the publicly-funded Draper Report into the claimed link between high voltage power lines and levels of childhood leukaemia, published in the British Medical Journal last June.
It concluded there "is an association between childhood leukaemia and proximity of home address at birth to high voltage power lines, and the apparent risk extends to a greater distance than had been expected".
The report found that children living within 200metres of high voltage power lines were almost twice as likely to have childhood leukaemia as those who lived within 600m of a line.
* Información relacionada y alojada en Ibérica 2000, sobre las graves afecciones del alta tensión... (A diversos artículos...)
* ¿Quién controla la Energía en España?
¿Quién suministra la electricidad en Europa?
En la actualidad el sector eléctrico en España está controlado por 6 grandes compañías: Iberdrola, Endesa, Gas Natural, Unión Fenosa, EnelViesgo e Hidrocantábrico, por ello este informe pretende desvelar quiénes son sus accionistas relevantés, cuál es la composición de sus consejos de administración y cómo son sus relaciones laborales, qué empresas están participadas por estas compañías eléctricas, cuáles son sus activos y proyectos en España y en el extranjero, sus planes estratégicos, el I+D, y la evolución del parque de generación desde el año de aprobación del Protocolo de Kioto hasta 2004. El Informe trata de desvelar si estas compañías piensan actuar a favor de sus accionistas “a largo plazo”: la próxima generación.
Enlace a un estudio de los flujos financieros de las compañías eléctricas españolas en activos eléctricos durante el periodo 1998-2005... (Greenpeace España - 08 sept. 2006)
Nota de interés, en este Informe anterior:
(Ver en la Pág. 94 los nombres y apellidos de estas empresas, los currículums empresariales de cada una de ellas, las que más generan resíduos nucleares, y las que están expoliando América Latina con lo que abusan en Europa como en otros países industrializados...)
Insertado por: pamelaamaya (06/03/2006)
Fuente/Autor: Comparte con nosotros, Mark Duchamp.