Green Totalitarians to Impose a World Government
Knee-jerking in the most irrational manner, they are now promoting biofuels. The forests of Borneo and the Amazon are paying the price ( plantations everywhere ), as well as the poor in Mexico ( corn prices went through the roof ). But logic is not their forte. They have a revenge to take on America, on capitalism, and on Jefferson. Present in their minds are the words of Lenin : "Victory for socialism in capitalistic countries requires only targeting their sources of energy". But a new twist was added by Rudolf Hickel, a German professor of economics : “Capitalism is a highly resistant affair that can only be forced to its knees through environmental controls”.
Above picture : HMS Superb, USS Billfish, and USS Sea Devil in a North Pole rendezvous in May 1987 - plenty of open water (U.S. Navy Photo)
I am a skeptic, and proud of it. Not long ago, when this most recent climate change story was emerging I decided to find out exactly who these few elite scientists, speaking for the entire global scientific community, actually are. I hoped to find the research behind the prophecy of global disaster. I failed in that quest.
What I did find makes me extremely mistrusting of reports stemming from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It appears to me that there is a very ideological and political agenda underlying the findings recently released in Paris. I strongly suspect that exceptionally powerful people all around the world are trying to lead humanity back into the natural and noble ways of our pre-industrial forefathers.
My First Alert
"In order for the United Nations Environment Programme to strengthen its role as the principal body of the United Nations in the field of the environment, ways must be sought to assure financial stability for the implementation of the global environmental agenda." See: UNEP
I was a little taken aback by the words “global agenda”. Agendas are fine for meetings but not for science and politics.
The United Nations Connection
I began my research by locating the United Nations Environment Program : Program. This group receives base funding through the United Nations budget but it derives most of its money from the United Nations Foundation and a large number of other private trusts and charities.
The United Nations Foundation, UNF was founded in 1998 through a one billion dollar donation by the Ted Turner Foundation. The Turner Foundation is very openly devoted to Environmental Causes. See Turner Foundation . The UNF receives much additional support from other foundations, corporate and private donors with a similar focus. This does not bode well for unbiased autonomy!
The American Connection
Very large American philanthropies are also involved in financing the Environmental movement, most notably, the Pew Foundation, of whom few people have heard. I learned about the Pew Foundation by simple chance. I needed information on electrical power production in Ontario and discovered that all the public information at that time appeared to be created by a Pew Research Group. Since I had never heard of PEW before, I was curious about their claim to fame.
The Powers Behind The Thrones
I discovered that Pew was a fabulously wealthy Foundation, intensely committed to environmental causes. Many of the well known names in the Environmental Movement are heavily funded by the Pew Foundation and by other wealthy Foundations with similar missions. It seems that it is the job of high profile groups like the World Wildlife Fund to funnel money down the food chain to less visible organizations and to provide the foot soldiers for various campaigns, including the War on Global Warming - which is really a war on industrialization in disguise. Please, check my claim yourself at FUNDING. Check the grants given, and yes, those are Millions.
An Unpleasant Truth
My next discovery about the Pew Foundation left me feeling naïve, betrayed and angry. It destroyed forever all the faith I once had in David Suzuki, Greenpeace, World Wildlife Fund and all the other environmental entities to whom I have given my hard-earned money because I love whales and most critters on four and two feet! If you wonder what made me so upset, go to Pumping money and read the full PDF (it can not be pasted). It is a big read but well worth it. You will see that the Pew Foundation and their many other wealthy foundation friends have pumped untold millions of dollars into the manipulation of almost every aspect of life in North America and even the United Nations. It appears that their principal mission is to put a swift end to fossil fuels; no matter the social, economic or environmental consequences. They undoubtedly still hold a great deal of hidden power within the UN and have awesome power within the United States and Canada.
Our Share of the Blame
We, the public, fly into a rage when a corporation like Exxon sponsors climate research because we suspect the results must be biased. We never question other powerful special interest groups paying for research in support of their agenda. We need to question both Big Oil and Big Green! He who pays the piper calls the tune; and PEW and friends have been the leader of the band for many years.
The Green Light
The United Nations itself appears to have, inadvertently I hope, inspired the ratcheting up of the environmental crusade. The 2002 UN Millennium Project UN project made environmental sustainability one of eight grand and noble objectives.
The New World Order
This UN blessing seems to have opened the floodgates to a combination of idealism and environmental zeal for Europeans, culminating in the Global Marshall Plan GMP . The Global Marshall Plan is primarily a European Union brainchild : as lofty as the Pew Foundation vision but even more ominous. The Pew Foundation at least does not publicly call for a New World Order. Have a look at the following site: NWO. This is the only place where I have seen anyone either so arrogant or so foolish as to actually proclaim a future New World Order!
The Global Marshall Plan is supported by a very large and diverse group of powerful and wealthy European individuals and organizations, dominantly German, including aristocracy and religious groups. The goals of this group at a glace seem wonderfully altruistic. However, underlying the entire scheme is a grand plan for global economic, political, social, and environmental union; a utopian new world.
Who Will Be In Charge?
Who will be in charge : why, the best and brightest, of course! To get a feel for the mindset, among the many supporters, have a look at the Club of Rome Rome, and the Club of Budapest Budapest. Both are highly elitist entities who seem to think that they know what is best for the world at large. I don’t want to live in anybody’s New World Order!
Why Climate Change Propaganda Now?
If you have looked at the participants you must have notice that both the UNEP and IPCC have rather limited North American representation but the few involved were front and center in the Paris announcement television coverage because, I suspect, the United States, and Canada by association, is the real target of the global warming fear campaign.
Europe is geographically small and has relatively low fuel needs; it has adapted extensively to nuclear energy and it has not nearly as much to lose as North America where driving is an absolute necessity for most people. Clearly China, Russia and India, the other major northern hemisphere land masses, are not going buy into this global hysteria. Russia signed on to Kyoto but, due to their economic downturn, are receiving large payments from Europe. I doubt they will hang in unless they stay on the receiving end. How then, will hobbling the North American economy truly change the world? Who would benefit?
The Final Word?
The Feb. 2/07 statement by UN Foundation President Timothy Wirth follows: WIRTH. Wirth calls the discussion closed; but as I listen to the media coverage I continue to hear the usual waffle word “likely”. I continue to notice outright disinformation that anyone with a modest education in Earth Sciences and Weather should recognize, and yet the media nods its head as though God has spoken.
The Arctic is receiving much attention. Yet, it has been going through cycles in the past, independent from C02 emissions. For instance : there was plenty of open water at the North Pole in the Spring of 1987 and none at all in that of 1999 (see pictures, above and below). The late John Daly wrote an enlightening paper on the issue : John Daly
Above picture : USS Hawkbill at the North Pole, Spring 1999 - no open water (US Navy Photo)
We are in an inter-glacial phase and global temperatures will gradually rise in an erratic fashion until the conditions are right for another ice age. Sadly, an amazing number of people don’t understand that the world was ever different and will certainly be different in the future, and that C02 has nothing to do with it. In fact, there is evidence that temperature changes have been preceding C02 changes in the past, not the reverse ( Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations over the Last Glacial Termination, by Monnin et al. - Science, vol.291, p.112, 5 Jan 2001).
Lucky Katrina
Hurricane Katrina was a propaganda windfall for these people. It was a mere Category 3 storm that hit in a most vulnerable place; but who would actually check on hurricanes? Please see for yourself : Katrina
Case Not Closed !
We are continually being told that the entire scientific community is convinced about climate change; that dissenters are fringe scientist or tools of Big Oil. That is simply not true. Following the 1997 Kyoto Accord, a group of American scientists prepared their own assessment of CO2 impacts on climate and launched the “Petition Project”. This petition gathered over 17,000 signatures from highly qualified colleagues. Their study and all signatories can be found here: 17,000 signatures . Their efforts and opinions have been totally ignored. Canadian scientists, likewise, have recently formed a group, The Natural Resource Stewardship Project, NRSP , in an effort to air their concerns.
Second Opinion, Please !
I can not understand why Canada and the United States, or even European countries, rely on advice from a foreign climate think tank ( IPCC itself does not do research ) when we all have ample scientific expertise that is being ignored by governments and media alike. Why in the world would we not commission several of our own excellent universities to provide a review of the IPCC report, untainted by industry or special interests?
The Green Stampede
In the – if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em – rush to public approval by governments at all levels, trying to be Greener than Green, it has become virtually impossible to present conflicting evidence. I hope you can take an hour of your time to follow my reference links. I can only hope that you will agree that the Climate Change hysteria now being generated in the media through willing commentators and ingenious, melodramatic advertising needs to be questioned more closely. In Canada the Green Machine has successfully swayed public opinion, and all levels of government have capitulated to irrational levels of Greening as though they were mere puppets – well, maybe they are!
Canada, March 1st 2007..................................................................The Lone Warrior
More on the global warming swindle : SEPP
Insertado por: Mark Duchamp (01/03/2007)
Fuente/Autor: The Lone Warrior