Two more scandalous projects supported by SNH
Scottish Natural Heritage ( SNH ) failed again in its mission to protect wildlife and its habitat, the wilderness, which is arguably the most valuable jewel in Scotland´s heritage.
Greenpeace entered the fray, sending "troops" to the area . Will eco-fascism rule the UK ?
Above : Loch Brora and Carrol Rock (SSSI and AGLV) looking west towards Ben Armine. The turbines would be off picture, in the hills to the right, and visible from the western approach. Access to the site would be along the single track road on the near side of the loch, running the whole length of the loch.
On December 21, 2007 : a local opponent to the project wrote to me :
"At a local planning hearing in June the Highland Council voted to support the application for Gordonbush and it is now with Scottish ministers for a decision.
The process followed by Scottish Natural Heritage and the advice it has provided is clearly in breach of various EU Directives. Whenever SNH are questioned or asked for the information on which their advice is based the response is simple; it is based on internal guidelines. The guidelines are clearly not based on site specific data or any scientific research.
The last time I was on the site in October five golden eagles were seen. When our presence was noticed the group broke up into a two and a three. Although such a large number in one place at the same time is unusual I have been assured it is not impossible. "
He also wrote :
"Both the developer and SNH refuse to admit there are one or more breeding pairs in the area and suggest there might not be any eagles at all, suggesting the last record was of an abandoned nest in 2001.
The matter is being pursued through the EU, which is singularly reluctant to take preventative action."
In earlier correspondence he had written :
" " If this project goes ahead known eagle territories will be destroyed".... This text was written by one of Britain´s most experienced ornithologists in 2004 when there was a single pair trying to set up a territory. This breeding season (2006) the owner of a neighbouring estate saw two pairs in the air at the same time and believes there is a third pair now in the area. No confirmation from an ornithologist. The main ornithological interest at Gordonbush is the SPA for golden plovers less than 50m from the proposed windfarm boundary. "
The SPA in question is Coir’an Eoin SSSI, which also enjoys SPA, SAC and Ramsar status.
In a critique to the Environmental Statement we read :
"6.2 One threat to Golden Plover not mentioned in the ES is that adult birds often leave their breeding territories at night to feed in the nearby straths. To do so, birds from the general area, including the adjacent SSSI, would have to negotiate the turbines in the dark, with potentially catastrophic results."
Appraisal of Environmental Statement
and :
"The density of breeding Golden Plovers within the proposed site boundary itself justifies the area’s inclusion within an expanded Special Protection Area or conservation measures under the terms of the Directive relating to important populations of scheduled species outwith designated areas. Approval of this development would therefore be in contravention of EC law. (See paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2 of Annex 2.)"
Principal grounds for objection
Above : Argyll, one of the hills were eagles may be seen . Such locations are being coveted by windfarm developers.
( and there are many more : see [Art.3616] )
The Stacain project is to be built within the breeding range of Scotland´s most productive pair of golden eagles. SNH predicted that up to 25 eagles may be killed by that windfarm over its useful life.
The project was approved by the Argyll & Bute Council with the help of Greenpeace militants, who were bussed to Oban. This despatchable force reminds me of certain political regimes. Have we entered the era of green fascism ?
Above : maimed wedge-tailed eagle, Starfish Hill windfarm, South Australia.
The battle is not lost just yet : the Scottish Executive and the European Commission may still enter the arena. The question is : will they ?
Mark Duchamp.........................................................December 22, 2007
The negative effects of windfarms: links to papers published by Mark Duchamp
Insertado por: Mark Duchamp (22/12/2007)
Fuente/Autor: Mark Duchamp