iberica  2000.org 

The destruction of Scotland : does anybody care ?


The Isle of Skye, the Western Isles, Argyll, Mull, and countless other natural jewels are about to be destroyed by the greed of a few. Surprisingly, most ornithologists, bird societies and other guardians of wild lands have become the land-wreckers´s most useful allies. As for the supreme guardian of it all, the European Commission, they try and justify their decision to sacrifice the EU´s wildlife and its habitat by brandishing, er, long-term weather predictions ! Indeed, they also abandoned the rest of Europe´s wilderness to the windfarm developers. Just as we proceed with this abhorrent vandalism the planet has started to cool again, as if to laugh at our hubris. And who cares if wind farms produce unreliable, costly, redundant energy that must be balanced by fossil-fuel power stations ? - Getting rich quick at taxpayers´ expense overrides ethics as it does logic.


Heather-clad mountains where eagles fly ...

...crucified mountains where eagles die !

Sylvia Wallace

Will this page become... THE TOMBSTONE OF NATURAL SCOTLAND ?

It needs not to. All it would take is some courage, courage from a few that have leverage - like editors and writers, for instance, or famous ornithologists,
or the BBC. They could save Scotland.

I pray that they do.

Mark Duchamp..................................................March 4th, 2008


The negative effects of windfarms: links to papers published by Mark Duchamp

PICTURE GALLERY.........Pictures of birds cut to pieces, of turbines on fire, of accidents, of ruined (or to-be-ruined) landscapes...
TO ENLARGE : click "Photos" above picture on homepage.

Insertado por: Mark Duchamp (23/02/2008)
Fuente/Autor: Mark Duchamp