Are wind farms useless?
Prince Philip said they were, wails a businessman from Infinergy who attended the same reception as the royal couple in London last week. Will the truth finally prevail? A week before that, the European and North American platforms which defend windfarm victims issued a press release referring to studies that conclude the same thing.
The crux of the matter is that fossil fuel power stations that are used to back up the intermittency of windpower, spend more fuel and emit more CO2 when operating in the required stop-and-go mode. It is no different from what happens with a car caught in city traffic as opposed to highway.
Prince Philip said wind farms were "absolutely useless, completely reliant on subsidies and an absolute disgrace.”
See the whole article from The Telegraph here: Wind farms are useless, says Duke
EPAW and NA-PAW, the European and North American platforms defending windfarm victims, had declared earlier:
"It is noteworthy ... that the massive build-up of wind farms in countries like Denmark or Germany has not caused any measurable reduction in CO2 emissions or use of fossil fuels. In Europe, the Irish grid operator EIRGRID shows on its website real data on wind energy production and CO2 emissions, from which similar observations may be drawn. Dr Fred Udo, a distinguished engineer from CERN in Geneva, now retired, did a study based on Eirgrid data. His conclusions put in doubt the very usefulness of wind energy."
Reference was also made to the Bentek report, from the US.
Based on this, and the legally-questionable absence of feasibilities studies on wind energy, the joint press release from EPAW and NA-PAW criticised Brussels for forcing upon Europeans "pharaonic investments which, on the negative side, destroy 2 - 5 jobs for everyone they create, stall the recovery of the EU economy, threaten the existence of the euro, destroy the tourism potential of countless natural and cultural assets, cause losses in property value in the billions of euros, affect the health of wind farm neighbours (noise + infrasounds), are driving many species of birds and bats to extinction, etc."
See the complete release here: EU governments did not do their homework on wind energy
Above: Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten in 1947
Read the following article on his remarkable character, already showing when a young man:
Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten
In the name of windfarm victims around the world, both human and animal, I wish to extend our gratitude to Prince Philip for his ever-lasting courage. Few public figures dare like him to speak the truth at a time when so many are busy complimenting the new emperor on his clothes (for "emperor", read the Big Green industrial-subsidy complex).
20 November 2011
Mark Duchamp
Chairman, World Council for Nature
Insertado por: Mark Duchamp (20/11/2011)
Fuente/Autor: Mark Duchamp