Insertado por: Lucia Sánchez (07/03/2008)
Fuente/Autor: La Voz de galicia.
900,000 €
This is the estimate that was obtained from a demolition firm. It concerns a 3 MW turbine, excluding the concrete shoe. The value of recuperable materials is about 60,000 € but is kept by the demolition company, who becomes the owner of the wreck. The price does not include the Value Added Tax ( around 18% ?) and eventual costs to be incurred with the traffic departement during transportation of cranes etc. to and from the site.
In other words, well over 1 million euros. The firm provides a team of 5 operators during 30 working days for dismantling and shearing the metallic parts, with one 700-ton crane and two 50-ton ones, plus a mobile shearing press Copex CVM 500 and whatever transportation vehicles are needed to dispose of the wreck.
The cost would not be much reduced for smaller turbines, as cranes etc. would still have to be transported to the site.
However it would be less per turbine if there were several of them to be dismantled on the same site.
My question : would the land owners have to pay for it, if the windfarm operator or the bonding company went bankrupt?
Or the local taxpayer, maybe ? - Messrs Blair, Brown, Salmond, Sarkozy, Zapatero, Merkel, Schwarzenegger etc. would not be held responsible, to be sure. Demagoguery is good at squandering other people's money, not at paying for the damage done.
Nombre: Mark Duchamp (19/03/2008)